Monday, March 16, 2009


Okay, so yours truly FINALLY (and only finally) watched MILK over the weekend. I have long considerd Mr. Harvey Milk one of my heroes and a truly great man. Though he lived in NY and later found recognition and history in San Francisco, and died 1 month and 5 days after I was born, his reach is still felt all across the country.

Harvey Bernard Milk was the first openly gay man to be elected to public office in America when he was appointed to the SF Board of City Supervisors. He took on Anita Bryant and John Briggs, and well, the rest is, as they say, history...

Even the trailer made me tear up, I must admit (and still does).

Check out Penn's Oscar speech:

The real Mr. Harvey Milk:

Thank you, sir.

1 Comment:

Eddie Bowman said...

'Bout time you watched that movie. It truly was spectacular!